Vehicle Accidents

Florida Auto Accident Attorneys

Lake Mary Auto Accident Lawyers

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident in Lake Mary, Florida, you may suffer from overwhelming physical and financial damages. Whether you have been injured in a car crash, truck accident, motorcycle collision, or any other type of motor vehicle accident, you need legal representation from an experienced, knowledgeable personal injury lawyer who can fight for your rights. A Florida motor vehicle accident attorney at Chubb Law can give you the aggressive representation you need to seek justice and recover fair compensation for your injuries.


The Florida Department of Health reports that more than 2 million people are injured, and 32,000 are killed each year in motor vehicle accidents across the country. In Seminole County alone, there were 6,254 motor vehicle accidents in 2023. Of these crashes, there were more than 4,370 injuries and 50 fatalities.


The injuries and fatalities resulting from motor vehicle collisions are costly. The U.S. Department of Transportation reports that motor vehicle crashes cost Floridians $10.75 billion annually. The typical economic costs of motor vehicle accidents include:

  • Medical costs
  • Lost wages and productivity
  • Vehicle repairs
  • Towing fees
  • Car rental costs
  • Increased car insurance rates
  • Decreased vehicle value
  • Repair costs for damaged infrastructure
  • Strained emergency personnel and first responders

Motor vehicle accidents are costly for everyone. If you have been injured in a motor vehicle collision and are facing financial hardship, Chubb Law can help investigate your accident, calculate your damages, determine who is liable, and file a claim for monetary recovery against the insurance company.


Motor vehicle accidents can involve a variety of collisions. Our dedicated team at Chubb Law has experience handling many types of motor vehicle accidents in Seminole County and throughout all of Florida. These accidents typically involve:

  • Car accidents: Car accidents are among the most common types of motor vehicle accidents and often include rear-end, T-bone, side-swipe, and multi-vehicle collisions.
  • Truck accidents: Due to their large size and weight, truck collisions can result in devastating injuries and fatalities. Chubb Law has a thorough understanding of federal and state trucking regulations. He knows how to hold negligent truck drivers, trucking companies, and other parties accountable for their negligence and role in causing your injuries.
  • Motorcycle accidents: Motorcycle accidents often result in severe, life-changing injuries due to motorcyclists’ lack of protection and limited visibility.
  • Pedestrian accidents: Pedestrians are among the most vulnerable travelers at risk of being struck by motor vehicles, especially since Lake Mary is near busy Orlando. Drivers often overlook them and can severely injure them in collisions.
  • Bus accidents: Buses have inherent risks that can increase their likelihood of being involved in accidents that cause serious injuries. These risks include their size, number of passengers, and limited safety features.
  • Wrongful Death: Unfortunately, some motor vehicle accidents result in death. As discussed above, there are tens of thousands of fatalities each year. These specialized cases require an experienced attorney to ensure they are handled appropriately.
  • Rideshare accidents: Accidents involving rideshare companies, such as Uber and Lyft, can be highly complicated because their drivers are classified as independent contractors. After a rideshare collision, you need an experienced Lake Mary motor vehicle accident lawyer who can seek compensation from all potentially responsible parties.
  • DUI accidents: According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Florida’s fatality rates from alcohol-impaired driving are greater than the average national rate. Accidents resulting from driving under the influence cause thousands of deaths and injuries each year.

We handle these types of accidents most frequently. However, they are not the only motor vehicle collisions for which we can seek compensation. If you have been injured in any motor vehicle accident caused by someone else’s negligence, contact us today to learn how we can help you recover your losses.


There are many causes of collisions in Lake Mary. Many of these are the result of someone’s negligence or carelessness. Among the most common causes of accidents in Lake Mary are:

  • Distracted driving: Texting, talking on a phone without a hands-free device, using a GPS, or eating while driving significantly diverts a driver’s attention and increases the risk of a crash.
  • Speeding: Exceeding the speed limit is a factor in many motor vehicle accidents, especially on high-traffic roads like Interstate 4 and State Road 417.
  • Reckless driving: Aggressive driving behaviors like tailgating, improper lane changes, and disregarding traffic signals increase the likelihood of accidents with injuries.
  • Impaired driving: Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs impairs drivers’ motor skills, slows reaction times, and decreases concentration and judgment, leading to motor vehicle collisions.
  • Drowsy driving: Driving while tired slows reaction times, impairing drivers’ ability to suddenly brake or shift their steering, leading to accidents.

Many motor vehicle accidents are caused by another party’s negligence. If you are injured due to the negligence of someone else, you have a claim against their insurance. If your injuries exceed your insurance coverage, these at-fault individuals are responsible for compensating you for your damages. If carelessness caused your crash, consult a motor vehicle accident attorney in Lake Mary as soon as possible.



Florida is one of 12 states that operate under a no-fault insurance system for motor vehicle accidents. This system requires drivers to carry Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage as part of their auto insurance policy. It is designed to provide policyholders with medical and financial benefits regardless of who is at fault for the accident.

Under Florida law, you must carry a minimum of $10,000 in PIP coverage. This coverage pays for medical expenses and lost wages due to your accident; however, in some cases, this coverage is not enough to fully compensate you for your injuries. PIP coverage only pays your medical bills up to 80%, and you could be responsible for the remaining 20% unless you make a claim against the other person’s insurance.


Sometimes, you may also be partially at fault for your motor vehicle collision. This is known as comparative fault. In Florida, you may be able to recover compensation for your damages if you are not more than 50% responsible for your accident. The total compensation you are awarded will be reduced by the percentage of your fault.


In a Florida personal injury lawsuit, there are four key elements of negligence you need to prove by a preponderance of the evidence to recover damages. These elements are essential for establishing liability and demonstrating the extent of your injuries and losses. The factors you need to establish to succeed in your Lake Mary motor vehicle accident case are:

  • Duty of care: You must demonstrate that the liable party owed you a duty of care to act reasonably and avoid causing you harm under the circumstances.
  • Breach of duty: You must prove that the liable party breached their duty of care by acting negligently or recklessly.
  • Causation: You must establish a direct link between the liable party’s breach of duty and your injuries.
  • Damages: You must prove evidence of the damages you suffered due to the responsible party’s negligence.

You must establish these elements to recover damages in your personal injury claim successfully. We can help you by gathering strong evidence and building a compelling case against the liable party. If you have been injured in a collision because of someone’s negligence, it is crucial to consult with an experienced Lake Mary motor vehicle attorney who can guide you through the legal recovery process.


If you can demonstrate that another party’s negligence caused your motor vehicle accident and resulting injuries that exceed your PIP limit, you may be awarded damages for your losses. In Florida, there are different types of damages you can recover. These damages include:

Economic Damages

Economic damages are your quantifiable monetary losses resulting from your collision. They can usually be easily calculated. Typical economic damages include:

  • Past and future medical expenses
  • Lost wages and productivity
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Property damage
  • Transportation costs to and from medical appointments
  • Home care services
  • Home or vehicle modifications to accommodate a disability

To prove your economic damages, you must provide documentation to support your claimed losses. This documentation can include your medical bills, pay stubs, tax returns, repair estimates, and receipts. We can help you calculate your economic damages and gather the necessary documentation to support your claim.

Non-Economic Damages

Non-economic damages address your intangible losses. They are difficult to calculate and quantify because they are subjective. Common non-economic damages include:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Mental anguish
  • Inconvenience
  • Loss of consortium
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Scarring and disfigurement

Because non-economic damages are subjective, they require different methods of valuation. Several factors are considered when determining the value of your non-economic damages, including the severity and duration of your injuries, limitations on your daily activities, and the impact of your injuries on your mental health. Evidence supporting your claim for these damages includes medical records, therapist reports, and testimony from family and friends who can help establish the impact of your injuries on your life.

Unless you are represented by an experienced attorney, the insurance company will not value these damages appropriately. An experienced attorney understands the true value of these damages and will be able to ensure you are compensated appropriately.

Punitive Damages

While the above compensatory damages aim to compensate you for the financial losses you have endured after your motor vehicle accident, punitive damages serve a different purpose. In Florida personal injury cases, punitive damages are awarded in rare circumstances to punish the at-fault party for their egregious conduct and deter them from similar behavior in the future. These damages are reserved for situations where the liable party’s conduct demonstrates gross negligence, intentional wrongdoing, and malice.

Florida law sometimes limits the punitive damages a judge or jury can award in your motor vehicle accident case. While the burden of proof for punitive damages is higher than for compensatory damages, all damage claims require convincing evidence. Our experienced Seminole County personal injury lawyers at Chubb Law can help you assess your damages, gather evidence to support your claim, negotiate with insurance companies, or pursue litigation to secure fair compensation for your losses. We will do all we can to help you maximize the damages you collect.


Experiencing a motor vehicle accident in Lake Mary can be traumatic and overwhelming. Knowing what to do immediately following a collision is crucial for your safety and protecting your rights. Taking the following steps can help the protect your legal or insurance claim:

  • Move to a safe location and activate your hazard lights.
  • Check yourself and others involved in the accident for injuries.
  • Call 911 to report the accident immediately.
  • Exchange contact and insurance information with all parties involved in the accident.
  • Obtain names and contact information for any witnesses to the collision.
  • Take photos of the scene from multiple angles, including skid marks, traffic signals, and vehicle damage.
  • File a police report, which documents the accident details, such as fault, location, and weather conditions.
  • Notify your insurance company, sticking only to the facts.
  • Seek medical attention even if you do not have visible injuries, as some may not be immediately apparent.
  • Keep thorough records of all documents related to your accident, including medical records, repair estimates, and correspondence with the insurance companies.
  • Consult with a motor vehicle accident attorney in Lake Mary who can advise you on your legal rights and options, help you navigate the insurance claims process, and represent your interests in legal proceedings if necessary.

In addition to taking these steps, there are also things you should avoid doing to increase your chances of a successful monetary recovery after your motor vehicle accident. Do not make any statements that can be construed as admitting fault for your accident. Avoid giving any recorded statements to the insurance adjusters, and do not post anything about your collision on social media. These actions can be misinterpreted and used against you by insurance companies.


Navigating the legal process following a motor vehicle collision can be complex, especially if you are recovering from injuries. At Chubb Law, we are here to guide you through every step of the legal process. These steps typically include:

  • Case evaluation: During your initial consultation, we will evaluate the details of your accident, discuss your legal options, and answer any questions.
  • Investigation: We will conduct a thorough investigation into the circumstances surrounding your motor vehicle accident and gather evidence such as the police report, witness statements, medical records, and accident reconstructions.
  • Negotiation: We will negotiate with insurance companies and liable parties on your behalf, seeking a settlement that adequately compensates you for your injuries and damages.
  • Litigation: If a fair settlement cannot be reached through negotiation, we are prepared to take your case to court and advocate for your rights before a judge and jury, presenting compelling evidence and arguments to support your claim for damages.

We will collect no fees unless we win your case. This means you have nothing to lose by contacting us to see how we can help you after your motor vehicle accident.


At Chubb Law, we understand the complexities of Florida personal injury law, specifically related to motor vehicle accidents. We will act as your personal injury advocate and fight for maximum compensation for your injuries. Chubb Law makes the following promises to all clients:

  • A free consultation that takes as long as you need to tell your entire story.
  • If we take your case, we will give it 110%.
  • No out-of-pocket fees and no fees unless we win your case.
  • Unlimited communication with our experienced personal injury team.
  • Proactive communication regarding your motor vehicle accident case.
  • You call the shots, we will never make decisions against your wishes.
  • If there is an offer on the table when we take your case, we guarantee we will increase it, or we will waive our fee.
  • We handle everything on your case, and guarantee that you will walk away with more in your pocket even after our fees.


A statute of limitations refers to the time frame in which you can file a legal claim against the negligent party who caused your motor vehicle accident. Florida’s statute of limitations for motor vehicle collisions is two years. In most cases, this means that you have two years from the date of your accident to file a lawsuit against the negligent party for compensation.


If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident in Lake Mary, Florida, you do not have to face the legal process alone. At Chubb Law, we have an experienced team here to provide you with the personalized attention and aggressive representation you need to secure the compensation you deserve after your collision. Contact us today to schedule a free case evaluation and learn how we can help you navigate Florida’s legal system and protect your rights, allowing you to focus on your recovery.


Remember, we have car insurance for a reason. Insurance is there for when an accident occurs. If you were in a car accident and it wasn’t your fault, we can help you make an insurance claim. If you’re hurt in a car accident, you will likely incur medical expenses, medical bills, loss of income, property damage to your car and pain and suffering. We can help you receive all that you are entitled to.

  • Fractured or broken bones
  • Herniated discs
  • Spinal injuries
  • Whiplash
  • Brain Injury
  • Closed head injuries
  • Headaches
  • Paralysis

We could list all the awards we’ve received or tell you how much better our results are than other law firms– but that’s not what makes us different. We are different because we truly care about our clients. Because we care, you won’t feel like you’re one of 10,000. You will feel heard and prioritized. You will feel confident in your legal team. You will feel like you’re in the right place.

It doesn’t cost anything to start your case and you will never pay us anything out of your own pocket. We work on a contingency fee basis, which means you pay us only if we win your case. Our fee comes in the form of a percentage of the settlement or verdict amount we obtain.

We tell people all of the time, “if insurance companies would just treat people right there would be no need for what we do.” Unfortunately, most of the time insurance companies don’t treat people right. The only way to ensure you are protecting your rights is to consult with an attorney.

No. Not without consulting an attorney. We make all clients an “Increased Offer Guarantee.” If there is an offer on the table from the insurance company at the time of hiring us, we guarantee we will increase it, or we will waive our fee.

Yes. In the state of Florida, you can change attorneys mid-case. In fact, you can fire your current lawyer for practically any reason. The Florida Supreme Court has set out “10 Basic Rights” that every client is entitled to from their lawyer. Read more about those here.

Mitch’s 8 Promises


Full-story, free consultation.

Our initial conversation does not have a time limit. We want to connect and hear your full story.



We are selective in the cases we take so we can give 110% to those we do.


$0 out-of-pocket fees.

You will never pay us anything out of your own pocket. There are never upfront costs on your case. We only get paid if we win your case.



Our clients are guaranteed unlimited communication with their legal team.


Proactive communication.

We consistently communicate with you to keep you updated on your case.


You call the shots.

You call the shots, we lead the way. We never make decisions against your desires.


Increased offer guarantee.

If there is an offer on the table from the insurance company at the time of hiring us, we guarantee we will increase it, or we will waive our fee.


The “why should I hire an attorney guarantee.”

When you hire us, not only will we handle everything, but the result we get will leave you with more in your pocket— even after attorney’s fees.

Contact Us Today for a Free Case Evaluation

Do not wait to seek legal help if you or a loved one has been injured in an accident. Contact our Seminole County personal injury law firm today to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation. During your consultation, we will review the details of your case, explain your rights and legal options, and provide you with honest and straightforward advice about how to proceed.

Remember, you do not have to face this difficult time alone. Let Mitch and Christopher fight for you so you can focus on your recovery and move forward with your life.